The Woodland Sanctuary exhibition has finished
However, you can buy the exhibition book here. Thank you to everyone who visited and supported this wonderful event.
“Without doubt the most inspiring photographic exhibition I have been to, a masterclass in woodland photography.” -NP
Woodland Sanctuary was a joint exhibition between photographers Simon Baxter and Joe Cornish. The work was gathered over the last six years, all of it within the North York Moors National Park.
For both photographers woodland has been a source of exploration, tranquility, meditation, artistic study and inspiration, and, especially during the Pandemic, a solace. The photography has been made in the eye witness tradition of the medium, but nevertheless reflects a contemporary aesthetic and philosophy.
The themes reflect the preoccupations and imaginative journeys of the photographers during their time in the woods. The images reflect the intense experience of studying trees in all weather conditions and all times of year.

"It’s a fabulous exhibition from two photographers at the top of their game. Highly recommended." ~JA
"Beautiful compassionate images by two wonderful photographers. A 'must see' sort of event." ~Mark Littlejohn